The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum


The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, published by Dover in 2015.

This is a faithful reproduction of the original edition with 120 two-color illustrations and twenty-three color plates, with large clear type for “enjoyable reading.”

This copy is in very fine condition. The binding is tight, the pages are intact and clean with no writing or marks. The illustrations and plates are bright and vivid. The cover is pristine with only very minor rubbing at the corners. The spine is uncreased and unbroken.

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The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, published by Dover in 2015.

This is a faithful reproduction of the original edition with 120 two-color illustrations and twenty-three color plates, with large clear type for “enjoyable reading.”

This copy is in very fine condition. The binding is tight, the pages are intact and clean with no writing or marks. The illustrations and plates are bright and vivid. The cover is pristine with only very minor rubbing at the corners. The spine is uncreased and unbroken.

The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, published by Dover in 2015.

This is a faithful reproduction of the original edition with 120 two-color illustrations and twenty-three color plates, with large clear type for “enjoyable reading.”

This copy is in very fine condition. The binding is tight, the pages are intact and clean with no writing or marks. The illustrations and plates are bright and vivid. The cover is pristine with only very minor rubbing at the corners. The spine is uncreased and unbroken.

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